Courage is a women fighting for her life. Knowing that the tears will be hard to fight and the actual fight will be even harder. Breast Cancer will try to knock a women down and defeat her just like fear to courage. The drive to fight for what she lives for is also the courage to defeat fear. This battle will only make her stronger, and testing one's courage is also what makes a person's courage stronger. Cancer may take her hair but not her beauty and bravery. Chemo and radiation treatment are another battle to face but battles that help you see the light at the end of a long dark tunnel. Getting over your fear may take what seems like forever but at the end of the battle there is always something waiting for you. Fear may take some courage but not enough to stop someone. The day that same women hears the best four words to ever be told "You are cancer free" she will know how strong her bravery and courage truly are...
This is my blog
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
My Hero
Heroes are not fictional like Batman Superman and Captain America
Everyday someone risks because of courage heart and love
Heroes are in society not thinking about rewards or consequences just kindness
My hero sacrifices saving with bravery and heart
Friday, February 12, 2016
Reading Response I am the Messenger
Through out the first few chapters of the novel I am the Messenger we briefly learn about a man named Ed. We learn enough about Ed to know that he is a 19 year old illegal taxi cab driver. Also Ed lives with a very old dog named the doorman that he loves very much. From what he learned about Ed he is a quite man and he seems to be a compassionate person with a heart. When Ed suddenly begins to receive mysterious letters in the mail I believe that his personality is tested. Ed receives a series of letters with addresses on them one of these addresses is a place were Ed encounters a man sexually assaulting his wife. Ed does not know what to do or why he is at this place but the man that is harassing his wife is someone that is too big and too drunk for Ed to try to confront. Thinking over many times what he encounters he also begins to think about the little girl that watched what her father was doing to her mother. After a week or two of Ed not doing anything about the situation he receives another thing in the mail this time it is not a letter but a gun. Soon Ed takes it upon himself to murder the drunken man that was assaulting his wife. This is a surprising turn of events because it does not seem like Ed is the type of person to shoot and kill someone especially a man that Ed does not know. What Ed has done makes me think and ponder about what I would have done in this situation. Would I have killed this man? Would I have told the police? Would I have encountered this man? All questions that we may ask ourselves and most likely some questions that Ed maybe asking himself now or maybe questioning himself if taking these matters into his own hands was the right thing to do.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Charles Darnay
Through out the novel A Tale of Two Cities Charles Darnay is characterized with many different traits that shape his character. In chapters nine and ten Charles is portrayed to be a caring, honest, and intelligent these aren't the only traits that Darnay possesses. When Darnay is talking to his uncle he shows that he is loving and has a kind heart for people. This is demonstrated in the conversation between the two because Darnay's uncle wants to leave all of his riches to Charles when he passes but, Charles Darnay would like to give it to the less fortunate to hopefully help them out of poverty. Darnay believes that the poor deserve and need it more than he does and doesn't want to take his uncle's riches. For example Darnay says," If it ever becomes mine, it shall be put into some hands better qualified to free it slowly"(Dickens 95). The context of these lines prove that even though Charles Darnay was accused of a crime doesn't mean he isn't kind or loving to others. Also it is shown that Charles is honest when he is talking to Dr. Manette about having Lucie's hand in marriage. After Dr. Manette says that he approves of his daughter being with Darnay, Charles Darnay tries to be honest with Dr. Manette. He tells him that he isn't the same person that he has always said he is and Dr. Manette dismisses Charles and tells him to stop and not say anymore. Even though Charles is cut off he is still trying to be honest with Lucie's father because he really loves her. Although Charles Darnay seems to be a good man he still seems to have a mysterious side to his personality.
Monday, November 9, 2015
Light and Darkness
Charles Dickens uses light and dark to set the tone of optimism for Lucie and Dr. Manette’s relationship. “...on her fair young face, that looked as though she passed like a moving light”(Dickens 32). Lucie is the light in her father’s life even though he just met his daughter for the first time. Dr. Manette didn’t know if he had a male or a female baby or even if the baby had lived. Lucie is going to bear light on her father and help him out of his darkness which is his depression. He is depressed because he has been locked away for 18 years and missed most of his child's life and missed the passing of his wife. Hopefully Lucie is what Dr. Manette needs to complete himself as a father and Dr. Manette is the piece Lucie needs to complete herself as a daughter. “‘ I want,’ said Defarge; ‘to let in a little more light here. You can bear a little more?’”(Dickens 30) It is unknown to Dr. Manette that Lucie is this light that Defarge is going to be bringing into the room. The light that Lucie will bestow upon her father is going to lift him out of his depression and take away the worry of who his child is and how they are doing. As shown in the chapters when Lucie is brought into the room and spark ignites in Dr. Manette and the source of this light is Dr. Manette thinking that Lucie was his wife. As he begins to think more and more into the possibility of Lucie beining his wife he becomes happy again from thinking back to his days with the women he loves. Defarge bringing Lucie into the same room as Dr. Manette makes him realize that before he was arrested his life was great and connecting with Lucie will make his life great again. “darkness had fallen on him in his place”(Dickens 32). Dr. Manette had been locked away from the world for years and his loneliness and sadness fell on him like darkness. When Lucie comes into his life and explains who she is it brings joy to his life. So, the darkness from all of the years of being alone is suddenly lifted off of Dr. Manette and he becomes optimistic for the future. In conclusion, optimism is the tone when Lucie meets her father, created by the light and darkness.
Friday, November 6, 2015
Wine Shop
The wine from chapter 6 in a Tale of Two Cities demonstrates the poverty that was president back in the 1860s. When the wine was spilled in front of the wineshop many people try to salvage the wine in the street. this is because liquids and food come rarely to these people. as the poor people observed the one that was spelt they ran to the site and tried to feed this to their infants to get some liquids in their system. in my drawing I am from a watchers point of view looking out a window at the scene that is unfolding.
The quote from chapter 6 reads, " or even with him kerchiefs from woman's heads which were squeezed dry into infants mouths." ( Dickens 21). this quote demonstrates that these people do not have the advantages of good food and water to live. even though today we think children drinking alcohol is wrong that was all they had. Many poor people were excited about this event because it wasn't just ordinary water it was expensive wine that came free to them.
Secondly Charles dickens writes, " But so much mud got taken up along with it that there might have been a scavenger in the street if anybody acquainted with it could believed in such a miraculous presence." (Dickens 21). This quote demonstrates that many people didn't care what came with the wine as long as they got as much as they could to supply their family. as the scene continued many people rushed in so they could get enough wine to go around.
Lastly, Charles Dicken demonstrates that many wealthier people were appalled by the site. For example, " All the people within reach had suspended their business or their idleness to run to the spot and drink the wine." This quote shows that not only the poor people ran for this wine but also people who own and run buissnesses that also wanted this free wine.
This scene demonstrates all the poverty that lived back in the day and it still continues today. For some it isn't easy to get the luxeries of many things, so they have to be prepared at all times.

The quote from chapter 6 reads, " or even with him kerchiefs from woman's heads which were squeezed dry into infants mouths." ( Dickens 21). this quote demonstrates that these people do not have the advantages of good food and water to live. even though today we think children drinking alcohol is wrong that was all they had. Many poor people were excited about this event because it wasn't just ordinary water it was expensive wine that came free to them.
Secondly Charles dickens writes, " But so much mud got taken up along with it that there might have been a scavenger in the street if anybody acquainted with it could believed in such a miraculous presence." (Dickens 21). This quote demonstrates that many people didn't care what came with the wine as long as they got as much as they could to supply their family. as the scene continued many people rushed in so they could get enough wine to go around.
Lastly, Charles Dicken demonstrates that many wealthier people were appalled by the site. For example, " All the people within reach had suspended their business or their idleness to run to the spot and drink the wine." This quote shows that not only the poor people ran for this wine but also people who own and run buissnesses that also wanted this free wine.
This scene demonstrates all the poverty that lived back in the day and it still continues today. For some it isn't easy to get the luxeries of many things, so they have to be prepared at all times.
Thursday, October 15, 2015
The word family could have many different definitions depending on
the person you ask. But, for me family is generations of related people that
are always there for you in time of need. What many need to understand is you
don’t have to be related by blood to be family you can be related by heart.
Family is a term that means a lot to me because my family are the people I choose to surround
myself with that love me for me. My family has always been there for
me and I will always be there for them.
In my life, the essay Stone Soup by Barbara Kingsolver,
and the novel A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith family and the meaning of
family is present. For example in the essay Stone Soup the writer tells the
cold hard truth about families today. The author says, “The sooner we can let
go the fairy tale of families functioning perfectly in isolation, the better we
might embrace the relief of community.” Behind this quote is a very strong
explanation. The writer is trying to tell us that families are not perfect and
we need to stop thinking that you don’t ever need help from someone else. So we
need to realize that sometimes even the most admirable parents need help from
other people such as family and friends. When a family member needs help with
raising a child or needing a home that's what family is there for to help and
support one another. This quote also relates to my life because my family has
gone through some tough times but helping one another and sticking together is
what has made us stronger. Such as, when my grandparents passed away it was a
hard time for all of us but, we were there for one another to offer comfort and
love. Not only was my family there but, friends were too to give
a helping hand with anything my family or I need in that sad time.
Also in the essay Stone
Soup Barbara Kingsolver writes, “To judge a family’s value by its tidy symmetry
is to purchase a book for its cover.” This quote really caught my eye and
intrigued me because it means so much. When I read this quote I couldn’t just
read it once but, had to read it multiple times. The point the author is trying
to put across is don’t judge a family by the way the dress or where they live
or even how much money they have. What shows on the outside is most likely not
what is on the inside. For example someone could be really poor and be a very
sweet, loving, compassionate person but you wouldn’t know that if you judged
them by the clothes on their back or the roof they have over their head. This
same type of theme is evident in A Tree Grows in Brooklyn because even though
the Nolans don’t have the nicest clothes or enough money to go to the candy
store every day or for Francie to have a different bow for everyday of the week the Nolans have respect, loyalty, and most importantly they know how
to love. In the novel A Tree Grows in Brooklyn the author also refers to not
judging a family by the way they look when Katie compares her children to the
McGarrity children. Katie says, “But her children are not as good or smart as
my children. They are mean and greedy towards others because they have things
to taunt poor children with.”(Smith 206). This quote by Smith also shows that
what is present on the outside of people or families is not the same as what
is deep within their hearts. Katie says that the McGarity children are not very
nice children and just because they have money and nice things doesn’t mean
what is inside is the same. So before you judge someone look deep within their
hearts and see what they are actually made of and not what money has made them.
Why is the Nolan family
so loving and supportive? Well I believe that once Johnny died Katie realized
that she has to roles to play as mother and father to her children. Katie
thought life would be easier without Johnny but both Katie and the kids got
used to the feeling of a complete family and, even though Johnny had a
difficult time with supporting and being there for his family he still loved
and cared for them. A quote that Betty Smith wrote that touched my heart was
about Johnny and the line read, “She picked up the flowers- two dozen far red
roses on a sheaf of ferns. She looked at the owner's name on the card but her
own name was on the card. The card said: For Francie on graduation day. Love
Papa" (Smith 351). This is a very emotional time for Francie because
Johnny is gone but, he thought ahead to make sure that Francie knew that she
got recognition for her hard work. This quote adds on to the compassion that
family members have for one another.
In conclusion no matter
what life throws at you, you’ll always have your family there to support and
love you unconditionally.
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